Palermo Hollywood
"The latest cultural trend is to be unique. To be part of the exquisite VIP section of society lays on the fact that those who belong are not mass manufactured, not mass consumers, but elite consumers, one of a kind people. The outside appearance of a celebrity cannot be now purchased at a department store, for they customize their look, their style, themselves. This is a fact, you can find about it in any magazine, watch it on TV, or even see it on first hand on the streets of any mayor city in the world." Bob Frassinetti, Art Dealer & Journalist, in his article about Palermo Hollywood & Soho.

In fact, so varied are its attractives that throughout time locals and visitors ended to find new ways to name it, inspired in the activities and particular characteristics of each area within. Towards the end of 90's, as coming out of a revolution against the traditional profile of near neighbors like Barrio Norte, Recoleta and Belgrano, it lighted up the colorful and always awake district of Palermo Hollywood.
The area surounded by Santa Fe Av, Juan B. Justo, Dorrego and Niceto Vega St. appeared ideal for the placement of Cinema and TV producers & Studios, stamping the famous name. The main motive driving these investments was the high amount of available buildings in a devaluated area with lack of facilities and popularity at that time. Along with that, a great advantage was its nearness to the city center and the most important neighborhoods and traffic ways. Yet since market activation, it became very popular for artists and trendy people who fed up the streets and facilities in bloom.
Nowadays Palermo Hollywood has one of the most interesting offers in matter of culture and vanguard. Streets are dressed with fashion shops and famous hairdresser's, trendy restaurants and day bars. At night the neighborhood shines with tens of theme bars and nightclubs with modern music, who compete subtlety for the award of the most innovative proposal.
The name might have been given randomly by an annonymous at the ears of the murmuring crowd. Ever since that Palermo Hollywood flaunts its own personality, and loyal to its social origin shares with the new visitors and neighbors the responsability of maintaning the pioneer and defiant attitude.
The name might have been given randomly by an annonymous at the ears of the murmuring crowd. Ever since that Palermo Hollywood flaunts its own personality, and loyal to its social origin shares with the new visitors and neighbors the responsability of maintaning the pioneer and defiant attitude.
This way, it's also one of the favourite areas for architects and building firms to develope large-scale Real Estate proyects focused on the aim of standing out of the line and gain its special bright in the blocks of the Buenos Aires milky way. The offer for Real State in Buenos Aires located in Palermo Hollywood is made of tens of brand new buildings and more projects in development. All of them take the best of the wide spaces conceded for construction to extend the amount of amenities in their crusade to differ in the Argentina Real Estate market.
Buildings in this zone are interesting as investment oportunities from two point of views: first there are planned developments enough to expect the neighborhood growth to continue in the next years. This is also understandable if we consider the lack of building spaces in traditional areas such as Recoleta or Barrio Norte as well. About the new developments, they're all last generation projects with full amenities located in grounds increasing it value successively. Early investment augur excelent ROI rates.
Second, Palermo Hollywood along with his twin Palermo Soho have became very important as top of the line urban cultural proposals for Tourists and locals. That way, those investors who buy an apartment in Buenos Aires to rent temporarily to tourists ensure profitable results thanks to the good ocupation rates all year long.
The southern Hollywood is the new sweet sixteen and it's gonna be for sure one of the main stages of the Argentina Real Estate Market for the next years.
Head Paragraph: Bob Frassinetti's web site. Palermo Hollywood & Palermo Soho Article